Jag fick före jul en önskan om speciella julkort. Dessa julkort skulle innehålla presentkort och beställaren ville att det skulle finnas saker på kortet som symboliserade det som de skulle få i julklapp.
Detta blev de tre korten. Kan ni gissa vad för presentkort de skulle få?
I received before Christmas, a desire for special Christmas cards. These Christmas cards would include gift certificates and the client wanted it to be things on the card that symbolized what they would get for Christmas.
This was the three cards. Can you guess what kind of gift they would receive?
This was the three cards. Can you guess what kind of gift they would receive?
Detta var ett presentkort till ett gym-kort.
This was a gift certificate to a gym membership.
Detta var till fotvård.
This was for foot care.
Även detta var till fotvård.
This was also for foot care.
Ett gäng superfina kort
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